
Handcross newsHandcross news
Handcross news
The Parish Council's first meeting: of 2017 is this evening in the Pavilion from 7.30 pm. As always, a copy of the agenda can be seen on the notice board outside the Spar Shop and it should be possible to download a copy from the Council's website www.slaughampc.co.uk and follow the link under Council Information. If there is a problem, let Sally Mclean, the Parish Clerk know, either by email [email protected] or call her on 01403 733881. If you are interested in attending the Planning Committee Meeting, this is now held separately to the full Council Meeting on the first Thursday of the month and will therefore be on Thursday, 2 February at 7.30 pm in the Pavilion. There is an opportunity to raise any concerns or queries relating to anything on the agenda early in each meeting.

There are two Community Bus trips next month: the first being on Saturday 11 February when you can go to the Chichester Festival Theatre to see Michael Morpurgo’s Running Wild, a story of love, loss, loyalty and living for the moment between a boy and his elephant friend. The Bus will be leaving Nymans at 5 pm; the cost of a ticket for the show is £25 and the fare is £12. The second trip is on Tuesday, 21 February going to Polhill Garden Centre in Sevenoaks. The Bus will leave Nymans at 9 am and the fare is £12.50. If you are interested in either of these trips, put your name down at the Hardware Shop or call Christina on 400212. Payment for any of the outings is required in advance and if you have to drop out at short notice, unfortunately you will forfeit your fare if they are unable to find someone to take your place.

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