
The HALF MOON PUB: is now under new management and we wish Karen all the best in her new venture. Karen has been acting manager for the last few months and last Friday she was delighted to hear that her bid for the lease was successful. She is already seeking to recruit a chef and with the pub having undergone a spring clean it is a pleasure to pop in and enjoy its bright and cosy atmosphere. While Karen gets her feet firmly under the door she will continue to operate restricted openings times but hopefully that will be short term.

SOUTH EAST WATER:The work on the water main on the Haywards Heath Road is all set for the final connection on Monday 4 April. Once this work is complete they will need to ensure that all services are connected to the new main before they turn off the old pipework. Following this the contractor will reinstate and tidy the road ready for re-opening. South East Water currently anticipate that they will be in a position to re-open the road six weeks earlier than anticipated on Friday 8 April, however that will depend on whether they are able to complete the connection on Monday and that all services have been identified and transferred.

COFFEE MORNING: Eleanor, Bryony and Anya are having a coffee morning to raise money for their Warden Park trip to China in June of this year. There will be bacon butties and other refreshments including cakes, plus raffle and bric-a-brac stalls.

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QUIZ: the Balcombe Club are hosting Pam & Barrie’s quiz on Sunday 10 April at 8.00 pm. Teams of four.

DO YOU WANT TO BE A PARISH COUNCILLOR?: Local residents have until 4 pm on Thursday 7 April 2016 to submit candidate nominations. The by-election will be held alongside the Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner election on Thursday 5 May. The position is voluntary and although the Parish Council only meets monthly (on Wednesdays mid-month) past experience has demonstrated that Councillors in practice devote considerable hours each week on day to day council business and serving on the various working groups. There are many issues to deal with and a Councillor should be fully committed. If you are interested deliver your nomination paper to the offices of Mid Sussex District Council. Information about being a Councillor is also available from Mid Sussex District Council’s website Additional guidance about being an election candidate and the various election procedures is available online from the Electoral Commission at

BALCOMBE TENNIS:Everyone is very welcome to Balcombe Tennis’ open afternoon on Sunday 10 April 2016, 3 to 5pm. Come and meet fellow tennis enthusiasts and enjoy some refreshments and cake! Please bring your racket and join in a fun tournament or spectate! You can renew your membership or simply come & find out more about tennis in Balcombe including adult and children’s coaching. We look forward to seeing you.

BALCOMBE PARISH COUNCIL: meet on Wednesday 13 April at 8.00 pm in Bramble Hall.

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HISTORY SOCIETY: meet on Wednesday 13 April at 8.00 pm in the Victory Hall when Tony Perkins will present the story of Christopher Dodwell a WW2 glider pilot who, after the war, settled with his family in Balcombe. The meeting will start at 8 pm in the Victory Hall. Admission costs £1 for members and £3 for visitors, including refreshments. PLEASE could all members who put their names down for the trip to Westminster on Monday 13 June pay Julie the £16 coach cost at the April talk.

TAKEAWAY CHILLI : On Friday 15 April Bryony McIntyre will be producing takeaway chilli as part of her fund-raising a for the Meningitis Research Foundation. All the money will go towards the charity as part of her fundraising expedition to climb Mount Kilimanjaro in September. Call 01444 811732 or text 07713469015 to order and collect from Beechcroft, Stockcroft Road.

ST. MARY’S CHURCH: Sunday 10 April 8am Holy Communion, 10am Parish Eucharist. Wednesday 13 April 10.00 am Said Eucharist

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