Worthing school rescues Littlehampton tradition

STUDENTS at special needs college saved the day for a Littlehampton charity event on Saturday.

The famous plant sale held at Vardar Bar and Restaurant every year, was facing cancellation but Oak Grove College, Worthing, stepped in at the last minute.

Sarah-Jane Milbourn, of Roundstone Nurseries, Chichester, said: "We usually supply all the plants, and it is massive, but this year the stock was just not available in the industry, and I thought we would have to cancel it."

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She added that she was "devastated" that she could not get the plants, but that Oak Grove had been able to help.

Robin Hollett, head of the college's sixth form, said that students had been happy to help, by transporting about 100 plants, left over from their own plant sale, held last week, to the Selborne Road venue.

"Between eight and ten of our most able sixth formers do work experience for Sarah once a week, and the nursery gives them all the plants that would otherwise be thrown away.

"They nurture them and bring them on, and once a year have a plant sale," he said, "it's great for them as they get the opportunity to have a real-lfe work experience, and through that develop independence and responsibly."

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He added that it was also good for the students, who are all aged between 16 and 19 and have learning difficulties, to get involved in community events, such as the Vardar sale.

Last year the sale, which has been running at Vardar for the last three years, raised more than 4,000 for HOMElink and St Wilfrid's Hospice, Chichester.

"It is not going to do nearly as well this year," said Sarah, "but at least we were able to put something together."

The total is still being counted, but at least 500 was raised, which will be split between the college and the hospice.