
Sandie Madge & Sue Paine, The Floral Boutique, 20 The High Sreet

This evening 30th November is 1st Robertsbridge Scout Group holding Prize Bingo at Robertsbridge Hall. Eyes down is at 7.30pm. This is a great fun evening for all the family and there are lots of great prizes to be won. There is also a raffle and refreshments available during the evening. Your support is always welcomed.

At Robertsbridge Club, Robertsbridge Bonfire Society is holding Monkfest raising funds for next year’s event. This opens at 8pm and there will be music from 70`s, 80`s and 90`s played by DJ Swifty. This is doubling up as a Youth Club reunion, so if you used to go to Robertsbridge Youth Club, this may be the night to meet up with people you may not have seen in a while. Entrance is only £3.00 for members and £5.00 for guests.

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Tomorrow morning Saturday 1st December is the Friends of Robertsbridge Rainbows, Brownies and Guides Jumble Sale. This is held between 10am – 12 noon and is held in the Church Room in Fair Lane.

If you have anything to donate for this event please contact Jo on 015800880872 I am sure it will be gratefully received. This is one of their biog fundraisers in the year so please support.

Also tomorrow is the Christmas Saturday Market at Robertsbridge Hall between 10am – 1pm. This is an extended time as there will be plenty of stalls to look around. There will be fresh produce, pies, cakes, handicrafts and a chance to find those special gifts for Christmas.

Don’t forget to get out the Advent Calendars tomorrow 1st; we are now on the count down to Christmas.

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On Thursday 6th December the Robertsbridge District Trefoil Guild will be holding its Christmas Party at Robertsbridge Guide Hut starting at 2pm, nice to get in early and have the first party. This group meets on the first Thursday of every month and are a very welcoming group. If you have any fond memories of your time in the Guiding family and would like to join please contact Barbara on 01580 819330 or email [email protected] as there is always a varied programme and the 2013 one is almost finalised.

Next Friday 7th December is the Christmas Capers in Robertsbridge. Come and celebrate and get in the festive spirit. There will be food, drinks, Christmas gifts and Cards, the community choir, carols and much more going on during the evening with a visit from the special man himself Father Christmas. If you watch out carefully you may even catch a glimpse of the Snow Queen and even Nanny McPhee !

Before all of this fun there is to be the Pantomime for the children at 4.30pm and this year it is Dick Whittington. Please be aware that there will be a Road Closure between 6pm - 9pm where the High Street will be closed to traffic, it may be a good idea if you normally park in the High Street and are likely to want to get out during this time to park outside of the closure. There will still be access to Fair Lane

The Tree of Love will be outside the Youth Centre again this year and you can write a message on a star to remember a loved one and these will be hung on the tree over the Christmas period. This is in support of St Michaels Hospice so a donation for your star is gratefully received. You can get your star at either of the 2 florists in the village or by going to the United Reformed Church during Christmas Capers.