Two Eastbourne children’s centres could close

Old Town Children's Centre, currently run at Ocklynge Junior School in Eastbourne, could closeOld Town Children's Centre, currently run at Ocklynge Junior School in Eastbourne, could close
Old Town Children's Centre, currently run at Ocklynge Junior School in Eastbourne, could close
Children’s centres in Old Town and Hampden Park could be closed with services relocated elsewhere as part of cost-cutting proposals.

East Sussex County Council has agreed to consult the public on its draft children’s services early help strategy for ten weeks from May to July.

As a result of the strategy £2.6m would be saved from the council’s early help budget by 2020/21.

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Access to services would happen through a single point of advice and delivered in family homes and through a reduced network of 12 children’s centres and four youth centres as well as community venues where appropriate.

Hampden Park children's centre is based in the health centre (photo by Google Maps Street View).Hampden Park children's centre is based in the health centre (photo by Google Maps Street View).
Hampden Park children's centre is based in the health centre (photo by Google Maps Street View).

But as part of the draft proposals 14 children’s centres would close including those based at Ocklynge Junior School, Victoria Drive, and Hampden Park Health Centre in Brodrick Close.

Alan Shuttleworth, opposition Lib Dem spokesman, said: “These proposals not only close children’s centres across East Sussex but also make massive cuts into the early help service which help to keep children safe.

“Over 4,000 of the most vulnerable families rely on the Keywork service and many others access the early help services for help and advice. Preventative work stops things worsening, helps families and vulnerable people, and reduces the need to spend much larger sums in the future as the problems escalate.”

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These locations are seen as ‘less suitable for future services’. In all the places families would continue to receive keywork services in their homes and from nearby keywork hubs.

Family support services would also continue to be provided in these communities, nearby children’s centres, council or community buildings.

The council will seek expressions of interest from other organisations in a position to take over any of these 14 children’s centres.

But if this is not forthcoming the proposal is for these centres to close.

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John Ungar, Lib Dem county councillor for Old Town, said: “Children’s centres such as in Old Town, are part of really important support for local communities, and help families and children.“

Meanwhile fellow Lib Dem Colin Swansborough, who represents Hampden Park, drew attention to the excellent work being done by Hampden Park children’s centre and other centres threatened with closure.

He said: “We intend to continue to fight to maintain these services and support our children’s centres.”

The strategy would also withdraw funding for ‘lower level preventative services’ to focus on the most vulnerable families, reducing management and admin support in the remaining children’s centres.

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