I have little faith in the promises of any development company to deliver affordable homes in Hastings

The land where Broomgrove Power Station in Hastings once stood, Firtree Road. SUS-211124-091243001The land where Broomgrove Power Station in Hastings once stood, Firtree Road. SUS-211124-091243001
The land where Broomgrove Power Station in Hastings once stood, Firtree Road. SUS-211124-091243001
From: Paul Huggett, Mount Road, Hastings

Re. the new development plans for the old power station site at Broomgrove.

Call me an old cynic if you will, but I have little faith in the promises of any development company so the promises of 75 new homes with 25% of them “affordable” – say 18 houses – and additional plots for self-build projects, which sounds very nice at the outset, I will applaud – if and when those 18+ “affordable” houses (no doubt affordable to those on good sound double incomes with a nice nest egg, anyway, certainly not to young folk on miserable wages) are standing on the site with the self build plots under way.

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Until then, I just wonder at which point in the project that will all be forgotten and renegotiated under the “costs have unexpectedly increased” clause that appears to be invoked by developers with depressing regularity.

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