
Handcross newsHandcross news
Handcross news
The Parish Council: will be meeting this evening, Thursday 23 February, in the Pavilion from 7.30 pm. A copy of the agenda should be posted on the notice board outside the Spar Shop and you might be able to download one from the Council's website, www.slaughampc.co.uk. There will be an opportunity to raise any questions or queries relating to any item on the agenda early in the meeting. If you want to discuss a planning application, the next meeting of the Planning Committee will be on Thursday, 2 March at the same time in the Pavilion.

Surgery development: I mentioned last week that there had been an open session in the Parish Hall last month by Crest Nicholson who will be developing the site by the Surgery. I have recently been into the Hardware Shop and noticed that copies of their presentation were available there so if you weren’t able to get there or didn’t know about it, something that does happen, why not pop in and have a look at what is planned.

Whilst on the subject of the Hardware Shop: they have now released details of the various ‘events’ they very kindly put on for the community for the coming months. The next one will be on Wednesday 1 March, which is a Craft Night, starting at 8 pm. So if you enjoy card making or any craft at all, why not go along and share your hobby, you might even persuade others to join you! These meetings will take place on the first Wednesday of the month other than August so make a note in your diary so you don’t miss them. If you are interested in crafts and are looking for new ideas, why not go along on 8 March and join the ‘Handcross Bag Lady’ and make some morsbags. What is a morsbag? I confess to not being certain but the aim of making such bags is to prevent animals and fish from becoming endangered by the plastic floating in the oceans. If you would like more information on either of these events, or indeed any of the events held in the Upper Room, get in touch with Christina either in the Hardware Shop or call her on 400212.

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Finally: if you enjoy the Quiz Nights held in aid of St Catherine’s Hospice, the next on will be on Sunday, 5 March – more details of this next week but make a note now.

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