Eastbourne councillors campaign for more cash to fix town's damaged pavements

Diane Pickton with a resident from Berry Pomeroy care home on the uneven pavement outside their home in Compton Street, Eastbourne (Photo by Jon Rigby) SUS-170831-091716008Diane Pickton with a resident from Berry Pomeroy care home on the uneven pavement outside their home in Compton Street, Eastbourne (Photo by Jon Rigby) SUS-170831-091716008
Diane Pickton with a resident from Berry Pomeroy care home on the uneven pavement outside their home in Compton Street, Eastbourne (Photo by Jon Rigby) SUS-170831-091716008
Eastbourne councillors are to campaign for a larger slice of the county council's parking fees in an effort to do something about the town's damaged pavements.

At a meeting on Wednesday (November 14), members of Eastbourne Borough Council unanimously backed a motion to lobby East Sussex County Council to fund an annual programme of pavement improvements around the town.

Put forward by Liberal Democrat councillor Pat Rodohan (Upperton), the motion calls on East Sussex to allocate at least half of the surplus funds from the Eastbourne Controlled Parking Scheme to the proposed programme.

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Beginning the debate, Cllr Rodohan said: “I think we would all agree that there are too many areas of pavement in Eastbourne that are unsafe for residents and have continued to deteriorate over many, many years.

Councillor Pat Rodohan (Liberal Democrat Upperton) SUS-170305-183930001Councillor Pat Rodohan (Liberal Democrat Upperton) SUS-170305-183930001
Councillor Pat Rodohan (Liberal Democrat Upperton) SUS-170305-183930001

“Sadly many of the councillors here tonight will, like me, have visited a resident after they have had a fall on the pavements and will have seen the broken glasses, the black eyes and the cuts and bruises. Some residents may have been to hospital with head injuries or broken bones.

“Sometimes you come across an older resident or disabled resident whose confidence is shattered and no longer wants to leave their home.

“Eastbourne residents believe that we have been ignoring for far too long the calls for safer pavements, but there is a movement gathering pace telling us that now is the time for action.”

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