Bereaved mum's donation to hospital room refurbishment

Jess Hales (second right), Jane Bedford-Clark (far right) and some of the midwifery team. SUS-180424-100823001Jess Hales (second right), Jane Bedford-Clark (far right) and some of the midwifery team. SUS-180424-100823001
Jess Hales (second right), Jane Bedford-Clark (far right) and some of the midwifery team. SUS-180424-100823001
A woman who sadly lost her baby daughter has raised more than £4,000 for the Maternity Bereavement Room at Conquest Hospital.

Jess Hales donated £4,000 towards the refurbishment of the Maternity Bereavement Room following the sad loss of her daughter Isabelle. Jess retuned to the maternity unit to hand over the money to midwifery staff.

Jess said: “My husband Andy and I went through an emotional time that no one wishes to go through.

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“We lost our daughter Isabelle last July at the Conquest Hospital Bereavement suite.

“The staff were very supportive to us both in our sorrow, so we decided we wanted to help them and other families through their grief. We have been overwhelmed by the generosity and support of the local community.”

Jess added: “Refurbishing this room means so much to us. We want to help make the room feel more homely for other families.

“We want to make this difficult time a little easier.

“This room gives families their last precious moments with their baby.”

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