Tributes to Eastbourne Wren who helped decipher Nazi war codes

Nancy Hookham SUS-200318-142116001Nancy Hookham SUS-200318-142116001
Nancy Hookham SUS-200318-142116001
Tributes have been paid to a former Wren from Eastbourne who worked at Bletchley Park deciphering German messages during the Second World War.

Nancy Hookham, who was born in Eastbourne and lived in the town all of her life, passed away on March 5 at the age of 94.

Married in 1947 to Howard Hookham, Nancy, who attended the High School, had three sons, five grandchildren and three great grand-daughters.

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Her son Chris said, “Mum was always a positive, outgoing, caring person giving talks about her life and wartime life in Eastbourne to local schools.


“She danced with EODS in productions, worked at the Town Hall producing identity cards, was heavily involved with the Eastbourne Art Association, loved gardening and was a member of the Hampden Park and Eastbourne Horticultural Societies.

“She enjoyed holidays in Canada with her sister Marie and she also ‘ran’ the family business from the office for many years with my father, myself and my brothers.”

Nancy joined the Wrens in 1943 and was posted to Bletchley Park after signing the Official Secrets Act.