An aerial view of Worthing town centre. Picture by Eddie Mitchell SUS-160818-140517001An aerial view of Worthing town centre. Picture by Eddie Mitchell SUS-160818-140517001
An aerial view of Worthing town centre. Picture by Eddie Mitchell SUS-160818-140517001

Is lockdown in Worthing working? Here are the neighbourhoods where Covid infections are falling the fastest

Worthing has now been in a lockdown for over three weeks - but is it working?

Since mid-January the rate of positive Covid cases per 100,000 people in the town has been generally falling, according to Government figures.

The latest figures show 12 out of 14 have seen a drop in infections over the seven-day period up to January 23.

Here we reveal which neighbourhoods have seen the biggest drop in case rates per between January 17 and January 23.